

Hype around the bike

On a micro level, the way people move around is an expression of personal lifestyle, while on the macro level it is a driver of social change This can be seen particularly impressively in the example of bicycle mobility. Driven by a young cosmopolitan elite with an affinity for sustainability and design, bicycling has become a lifestyle in recent years that is increasingly taking hold of the mainstream. For example, regular bicycle use as a mode of transport rose from 38 to 44 percent across Germany between 2015 and 2019 (source: Fahrrad-Monitor 2019), and the market is becoming increasingly differentiated (fixies, cargo bikes, steel road bikes, pedelecs).

Whereas the colorful “cycling worlds” of the 1990s were still a pure leisure trend of the then new fun society, cycling is now a natural part of everyday mobility – efficient and environmentally conscious.

With the cycling boom, the infrastructural demands and requirements have also increased. There’s a demand for more space and safety, plus political appreciation for cyclists. Voluntary initiatives (e.g. “Radentscheid Hamburg”) or urban bicycle cafés (e.g. “Raum für Fahrradkultur”) reflect this trend. Politicians are responding and promoting cycling in Germany as a forward-looking, emission-free and space-saving mobility alternative. 

SINUS has been tracking the bicycle market since 2009 – nationwide and regionally

Since 2009, SINUS has been conducting the “Fahrradmonitor Deutschland” (“Bicycle Monitor Germany”) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Transport – a Germany-wide representative survey on the mood of cyclists.

In addition to our nationwide research, we have particular expertise in regional bicycle studies. Since 2017, we have been conducting special regional surveys in various regions of Germany as part of the Bicycle Monitor. We are also commissioned by municipalities to conduct needs assessments to strengthen cycling and, closely related to this, quality of life. In this context, we research bike-related attitudes, motives for and barriers to bike use, and the image or perceived bike-friendliness of municipalities or regions.

In addition, we research target groups (potentials) for bicycle manufacturers.

Our cycling expert Franziska Jurczok is a passionate cyclist herself. She is a member of the BMDV's advisory panel on the national cycling strategy.


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