![Brücken und Barrieren. Jugendliche auf dem Weg in die evangelische Jugendarbeit](https://www.sinus-institut.de/media/pages/media-center/studien/bruecken-und-barrieren-jugendliche-auf-dem-weg-in-die-evangelische-jugendarbeit/a866acbdeb-1622672853/img-studie-bruecken-barrieren.png)
With our research and consulting for companies and public clients, SINUS has been close to society and all its relevant topics for more than 40 years.
In our Media Center Archive, you can find a comprehensive insight into our work . Just take a look around - we are sure you will find something exciting.
Sinus-Milieu Study for the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of Zurich
Topics of importance and political interest of “educationally disadvantaged” adolescents
Perspectives for politics, pedagogy and society
Lifeworlds of adolescents aged 14 to 17 in Germany
Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage
Results of a representative study of the lifeworlds of 14 to 17-year-old young people with a migration background, commissioned by the Federal Center for Health Education
Identities and behaviors of traditional, modern, and postmodern men.
The study commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs documents the results of representative surveys on the topic of pay inequality
Perception of discrimination and anti-discrimination policy in our society
Self-perceptions, sensitivities and needs of parents in different environments
Implementing milieu marketing
On the aesthetic dimension of political education and political communication
A classic among the Sinus studies from 1981