How do young people tick? (2012)

This study from 2012 provides information about which youth lifeworlds existed in Germany and how young people lived their everyday lives in these different worlds. In addition to researching value attitudes, a wide variety of facets of daily life were examined in order to obtain as comprehensive a picture as possible of young people's orientations and lifestyles: leisure time, family, school, circles of friends, media, and career orientation. Against the backdrop of popular discourses about (alleged) disenchantment with politics, religious faith and the Church, the topics of society, politics, commitment, religion, faith and the Christian Church were also explored. It’s a study that allowed young people themselves to have a say: not only in detailed interview excerpts, but also in written self-testimonies, artistic collages, “homework,” and not least through photos of their rooms.
Prof. Dr. Klaus Hurrelmann writes about this study in the foreword:
“If the Shell Youth Study, for which I was responsible between 2002 and 2010, gives the scientifically filtered general overview of the young generation (also in comparison to previous generations), we learn from the Sinus Youth Study directly and on the basis of many authentic documents how young people are doing in their everyday lives. The two studies complement each other wonderfully, and both together have become indispensable tools for all professionals who deal with young people in education and politics.”