Dawn of the lifeworlds
The book “Aufbruch in die Lebenswelten. Die zehn SINUS-Milieus als Zielgruppen kirchlicher Handeln” (Dawn of the lifeworlds – the 10 SINUS-Milieus as target groups for action by the Church) provides 179 pages of practical advice for dealing with the different milieus in church work in a way that is sensitive to the target group. It contains compact descriptions of the 10 SINUS-Milieus and characterizes their typical attitudes toward faith, religion and the Church. For each milieu, a church communication concept is presented and illustrated with concrete examples.
- What are the SINUS-Milieus?
- Why does the Church need the milieus?
- Church work with the SINUS-Milieus
- Elements of a church communication concept
For more information and a table of contents, please visit the Springer Verlag website.