En route to a milieu-sensitive Christian Church

Auf dem Weg zu einer milieusensiblen Kirche

The volume documents the first church study of SINUS-Institut carried out on behalf Protestant regional churches (2015). It worked with a milieu model that distinguishes 10 different lifeworlds and helps us understand our society in its pluralistic manifestations. The focus of the SINUS study “Evangelisch in Baden und Württemberg” (Protestant in Baden and Württemberg) was on a representative survey of the attitudes of church and non-church members toward the Church, faith and God. The study pursues the goal of a better, i.e. more appropriate, communication of faith. Critical aspects are also illuminated, such as reasons for leaving the Church, or the degree of willingness to leave. The great merit of the study is the consideration of the different lifeworlds within the Church and society, with their respective lifeworld logics, estheticization of everyday life, cultural barriers and bridges.

In addition to the book, the SINUS-Institut report – supplemented by introductions, thematic flashes and explanations – is available as a digital download – in full, and ready for presentation. It contains suggestions on how to work with the study and gives hints on how the milieu perspective can be of help for church work.


Overview SINUS studies


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