Men: a roly-poly existence?

Männer: Rolle vorwärts, Rolle rückwärts?

In 2009, SINUS-Institut was commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) to empirically investigate the following questions:

  • Which men are interested in the topic of gender equality?
  • Where are there “resistance milieus”?
  • How do men see themselves? How do men see other men?
  • What qualities do men find appealing in other men?
  • What qualities do men find appealing in women?
  • What ideas do men have about partnership and parenthood?
  • What attitudes and behavior patterns do men show with regard to household, work and family? What hurdles and barriers do men face with regard to the compatibility of these areas?
  • How do men feel about their partner's return to work and what role do they play in it?

One thing in particular becomes clear: there’s no such thing as the man. The study illustrates a wide range of sometimes antagonistic role models, ranging from entrenchment in traditional concepts of masculinity and “emancipation in small doses” to the naturalness of flexible gender roles.


The authors:

Overview SINUS studies


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