Nature Awareness Study 2015

Naturbewusstsein 2015

The Nature Awareness Study 2015 is the fourth representative population survey by BMU and BfN on social awareness of Nature, nature conservation and biodiversity. It was conducted by SINUS-Institut.

The long-term surveys, which have been carried out every two years since 2009, contribute to the fulfillment of national and international obligations. Particular mention should be given here to the objectives of the National Strategy on Biological Diversity (NBS) for social awareness and Article 13 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) for public education and awareness.

The guiding themes of the 2015 study were issues relating to “nature conservation and agricultural landscapes” and “nature conservation and urban nature”. The study results provided a variety of impulses for the design of nature conservation communication and policy.


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Overview SINUS studies


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