Perception of carbon-neutral products
What do consumers understand by the term "carbon-neutral product"? We investigated this for Consumer Organisation North Rhine-Westphalia.
Publications on our studies appear regularly. This illustrates the high social relevance of SINUS research.
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What do consumers understand by the term "carbon-neutral product"? We investigated this for Consumer Organisation North Rhine-Westphalia.
Milieu-specific expectations, readiness and inertia with regard to the socio-ecological transformation - Essay in the anthology „»Mehr Fortschritt wagen«? Parteien, Personen, Milieus und Modernisierung: Regieren in Zeiten der Ampelkoalition“
What does freedom mean to people in modern societies? And how do they see it realised in their home countries? We have investigated these core questions for Friedrich Naumann Foundation in a multi-country study.
Wie relevant ist ADHS aus Sicht der Eltern? Wie groß ist ihr Informations- und Unterstützungsbedarf? Und wie verbreitet sind Vorurteile gegenüber ADHS-Betroffenen?
Jugendstudie (2021) zu Zukunftsoptimismus und Lebenszufriedenheit, Corona-Krisenbewältigung, Cyber-Mobbing, Klimawandel & Gesundheit sowie digitales Gesundheits-Informationsverhalten
Medienschaffende schätzen den Nachrichtenwert von Ereignissen höher ein als die Bevölkerung. Die Sinus-Milieus haben dabei eine besonders große Erklärungskraft. Studie des IZI mit Sinus-Milieus
Wie geht es Jugendlichen in der Pandemie und wie gehen sie mit der Situation um? Wie blicken sie auf Schule in Zeiten von Corona? Welche Erwartungen haben sie an die neue Bundesregierung?
A clear majority assigns very high importance to climate protection measures. Nevertheless, the specifics of the measures show potential for conflict in future coalition negotiations – Short study with the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (IW)
What do young people who have had to flee their native country know about sexuality, contraception and family planning? Do they need information and how do they want to be addressed?
What do Catholics think about their Catholic Church? Do they consider it to be “their” church at all? Which media do Catholics use to receive church and religious content and messages?
Systematic comparison of women with and without severe disabilities in relation to men with and without severe disabilities
Research report on quantitative and qualitative research with adolescents and young adults aged 14 to 20 Years
Study on the challenges of digitalization for the social participation of people with disabilities
Target group study to optimize the search for job applicants
The study identifies the needs of parents with regard to the career orientation of their children. Their main concern is apparently how to find out about their children’s interests and strengths.
2019 population survey on nature and biodiversity
Lifeworlds of adolescents aged 14 to 17 in Germany
Target group-specific CSR communication