Advertising research

Successful advertising and communication with SINUS

To ensure that advertising budgets are used optimally, we show how campaigns perform with target groups – whether TV commercials, billboards or advertisements. SINUS has over 30 years of experience in communications research, both in pre-testing and post-testing. The trick is to ask the right questions and define benchmarks in such a way that the results can be interpreted correctly.

In addition to a broad, qualitative knowledge of the esthetics, lifestyle and values of different target groups and milieus, we offer a standardized tool for advertising impact research (print, TV, poster). Here, the core dimensions with the strongest influence on the success of the advertising format are added up to give a total score. We not only determine how a campaign performs overall (also in comparison with the competition) but also identify in detail where the strengths and weaknesses lie in branding, liking, word-of-mouth, image and message.

Our scoring system answers the following questions:

  • What measures need to be taken to ensure that the target group’s advertising is targeted?
  • What to do to make your brand memorable?
  • What is the viral power of your communication?

This is how we set out concrete starting points for increasing the impact of your communication measures.

Find out more about the advertising impact research of SINUS-Institut here:


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