Diözesancaritasverband Essen

Case Study:
Diocesan Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Essen

Church marketing – milieu-sensitive public relations


  • Developing a marketing concept for parishes, associations and societies


  • Defining the communication goals – “vision workshop”
  • Strengths and weaknesses analysis
  • Milieu distribution within parishes, associations and societies
  • Formulation and coordination of strategic goals
  • Creation of communication concept


  • Advising more than 30 parishes on concept development
  • Development of “milieu-sensitive communication concepts”

What the client says

The Sinus-Milieus are very illustrative and provide precise insights for developing target-group-oriented marketing.
Dr. Jürgen Holtkamp, Head of Department Diözesancaritasverband Essen
Jürgen Holtkamp


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