Bistum Freiburg

Case Study:
Diocese of Freiburg

Fundraising strategy for the “Wertvolle Zukunft” (“Precious Future”) initiative


  • Attracting charity donors who are no longer reached by the classic communication channels of the Church.


  • The milieu data was used to create a characteristic profile of the donors.
  • This score card was applied to the more than 800,000 addresses of the diocese to identify and ultimately approach a good 200,000 addressees with an affinity for donating.


  • A 250 % increase compared to previous cold emailing campaigns
  • The grand sum of € 203,000 was collected

What the client says

With the help of microm’s milieu analysis, we were able to achieve a significantly optimised cost-benefit ratio.
Udo Schnieders, Head of the Fundraising Department of the Diocese of Freiburg
Udo Schnieders


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