Media consumption in Luxembourg – preferences of different milieus regarding topics and platforms
The Luxembourg media industry, and in particular the newspaper market, is currently undergoing a period of profound change: in addition to proving itself in the market as a fairly young free daily newspaper, it faces an accelerating trend towards digital media and news consumption.
This poses a double challenge for the “Luxemburger Wort” – the country’s oldest newspaper and the one with the widest reach.
A representative media and milieu study was conducted in order to better understand these changes and be able to counter them in a more targeted way.
The focus was on the Luxembourg media market, areas of reader interest, and the affinity with and willingness to pay for digital media products.
The results allow a clearer understanding of the target group and a sharper competitive demarcation than before.
In addition, the findings paved the way to shape the paper's future direction along the lines of digital products, possibly subject to a fee.
What the client says
Thanks to the findings based on the Sinus-Milieus®, the editorial team and marketing & sales now have a clear description of the core target groups and their interests, so that we can move our products even closer to the core readers and market them to advertisers in a more targeted way.
PMO – Luxemburger Wort
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