Paid content – introduction of paid content in online newspapers
The newspaper sector must shape the evolution of print to fit the digital age. For more and more people, a print mass medium is no longer the right news product.
In order to continue offering quality journalism, print revenues must be expanded to include internet-based revenue models.
Digital channels offer the opportunity to differentiate between new news products specifically geared to the needs of the respective core target groups. This can even lead to a stronger market penetration or overall reach than before.
Deep customer knowledge allows for a sharpened focus on the preferences of different types of customers.
Increased customer benefit can only be conducive to willingness to pay – especially in the internet environment where the benchmark is (still) “free”.
What the client says
We systematically adapt our new news products to the specific media usage behavior of different reader groups on the basis of the Sinus-Milieus. This also enables us to acquire new customer groups.
Tobias Zitzke, Market Research and Distribution Planning
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