Milieu-sensitive addressing of the members of the Protestant Church
Church reality manifests widespread “milieu captivity” (W. Huber). Despite claiming to be “of the people”, church life largely takes place within a narrow milieu framework.
The task was to overcome these milieu-related constrictions and address people beyond the traditional and conservative-bourgeois lifeworlds.
First, by donning our SINUS eyeglasses we were able to prove a far-reaching fragmentation and segmentation of church members. The SINUS study “Evangelisch in Baden und Württemberg” (“Protestant in Baden and Württemberg”) was fundamental here.
In a second step, we developed a whole range of tools to promote a milieu-sensitive communication of the Gospel: manuals, training, media etc.
Result 1 was the shock revelation about the narrowing milieu framework of the Church.
Result 2 is an ever-growing milieu sensitisation among the full-time staff.
Result 3: The milieu perspective is now firmly established.
Result 4: Action on the part of the Church is increasingly differentiated according to milieu and is reaching its addressees more effectively.
What the client says
The SINUS-Milieus are not only an excellent visual aid with which to remove the blind spot of the Church regarding its diverse composition; they also provide elementary insights for a crucial contextualisation of the Gospel in postmodern lifeworlds today.
Prof. Dr. Hempelmann MA, Tabor Protestant University
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