Hochschule Biberach

Case Study:
University of Biberach

Mobility concepts for an emission-free campus


  • The aim is to develop sustainable mobility and usage concepts for Biberach University. A prerequisite for the development of such concepts is the systematic recording of the current mobility behavior and needs of campus users.


  • A quantitative survey of students and staff at Biberach University, supplemented by 5 focus group discussions and 10 in-depth individual interviews, conducted by SINUS-Institute.


  • Based on its analyses, SINUS developed personas that differ in terms of their mobility behavior and needs regarding campus use, mobility and housing.
  • The mobility concept developed was awarded a prize by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science.

What the client says

By developing personas with different wishes and expectations regarding campus use, mobility and housing, we succeeded in identifying potential for sustainable changes in student behavior.
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. André Bleicher, Rector of Biberach University of Applied Sciences
Andre Bleicher


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