Milieus in Microgeography

Where does your target group live? By translating the Sinus-Milieus onto detailed maps, target group-specific research and media planning can now be applied spatially.

PerformerMilieu10% ExpeditiveMilieu10% Consumer-HedonisticMilieu8% Precarious Milieu9% ConservativeUpscale Milieu11% TraditionalMilieu10% Adaptive-PragmaticMiddle ClassMilieu12% Post-MaterialistMilieu12% Neo-EcologicalMilieu8% NostalgicMiddle ClassMilieu11% Social Status Upper class / Upper middle-class Middle middle-class Lower middle-class /Lower class Tradition Sense of Duty, Order Individualisation,Self-actualisation, Pleasure Multiple Options,New syntheses Modernisation Re-orientation Basic Values

Conservative Upscale Milieu

The older, structurally conservative elite: classical ethics of responsibility and success, as well as claims to exclusivity and status; desire for order and balance; self-image as a stable rock amidst the tide of postmodern arbitrariness; erosion of social leadership role.

Example: Berlin-Heiligensee

Post-Materialist Milieu

The sovereign educated elite with post-material roots: self-determination and self-development, as well as orientation towards the common good; advocates of sustainability, inclusion, and diversity; self-image as rational and humanistic.

Example: Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg

Performer Milieu

The efficiency- and progress-oriented technocratic elite: global economic thinking; liberal social perspective based on personal freedom and responsibility; self-image as lifestyle and consumption trendsetters; high affinity for all things tech and digital.

Example: Hamburg-Rotherbaum

Expeditive Milieu

The ambitious creative bohemians: urban, hip, digital, cosmopolitan, and networked; in search of new frontiers and unconventional experiences, solutions, and successes; skilled at self-expression and self-branding; self-image as postmodern movers and shakers.

Example: Berlin-Mitte

Neo-Ecological Milieu

The drivers of global social change: optimism and an upbeat mentality combined with a pronounced awareness of planetary challenges; open to new value syntheses (disruption and pragmatism, success and sustainability, party and protest); self-image as progressive realists; environmentally aware and climate-conscious lifestyle.

Example: Berlin-Friedrichshain

Adaptive-Pragmatic Middle Class Milieu

The modern mainstream: willingness to adapt and perform; utilitarian thinking, but also a desire for fun and entertainment; strong need for anchoring and belonging; some dissatisfaction and uncertainty regarding current social developments; self-image as flexible pragmatists.

Example: Dresden-Johannstadt

Consumer-Hedonistic Milieu

The consumption- and entertainment-focused lower middle class: fun in the here and now; self-image as cool lifestyle mainstream; strong need for recognition; balance of professional adaptation vs. hedonistic escapism; sometimes annoyed by the dictates of sustainability and political correctness.

Example: Berlin-Kreuzberg

Precarious Milieu

The lower class striving for orientation and participation: trying to keep up with the standard of living of the broad “middle class”, but burdened by social disadvantages and exclusions; feeling of being left behind; bitterness and resentment; self-image as a hard worker and hardy fighter.

Example: Duisberg-Hochfeld

Nostalgic Middle Class Milieu

The harmony-oriented middle- and working-class centre of society: desire for secure circumstances and an appropriate status; self-image as the social middle-field, but growing sense of alienation and unwillingness to compromise; perceived loss of learned rules and certainties; longing for the “good old days”.

Example: Dortmund-Dorstfeld

Traditional Milieu

The security- and order-loving older generation: entrenched in traditional petit-bourgeois and/or working-class culture; undemanding adaptation to necessities; increasing acceptance of the new sustainability norm; self-image as the upstanding and respectable “salt of the earth”.

Example: Bremen-Gröpelingen

Tip: Click on a Sinus-Milieu for a brief description

Sinus-Milieus Short description
Leading Milieus
Conservative Upscale Milieu

The older, structurally conservative elite: classical ethics of responsibility and success, as well as claims to exclusivity and status; desire for order and balance; self-image as a stable rock amidst the tide of postmodern arbitrariness; erosion of social leadership role.

Example: Berlin-Heiligensee

Post-Materialist Milieu

The sovereign educated elite with post-material roots: self-determination and self-development, as well as orientation towards the common good; advocates of sustainability, inclusion, and diversity; self-image as rational and humanistic.

Example: Wiesbaden-Sonnenberg

Performer Milieu

The efficiency- and progress-oriented technocratic elite: global economic thinking; liberal social perspective based on personal freedom and responsibility; self-image as lifestyle and consumption trendsetters; high affinity for all things tech and digital.

Example: Hamburg-Rotherbaum

Future Milieus
Expeditive Milieu

The ambitious creative bohemians: urban, hip, digital, cosmopolitan, and networked; in search of new frontiers and unconventional experiences, solutions, and successes; skilled at self-expression and self-branding; self-image as postmodern movers and shakers.

Example: Berlin-Mitte

Neo-Ecological Milieu

The drivers of global social change: optimism and an upbeat mentality combined with a pronounced awareness of planetary challenges; open to new value syntheses (disruption and pragmatism, success and sustainability, party and protest); self-image as progressive realists; environmentally aware and climate-conscious lifestyle.

Example: Berlin-Friedrichshain

Modern Mainstream
Adaptive-Pragmatic Middle Class Milieu

The modern mainstream: willingness to adapt and perform; utilitarian thinking, but also a desire for fun and entertainment; strong need for anchoring and belonging; some dissatisfaction and uncertainty regarding current social developments; self-image as flexible pragmatists.

Example: Dresden-Johannstadt

Consumer-Hedonistic Milieu

The consumption- and entertainment-focused lower middle class: fun in the here and now; self-image as cool lifestyle mainstream; strong need for recognition; balance of professional adaptation vs. hedonistic escapism; sometimes annoyed by the dictates of sustainability and political correctness.

Example: Berlin-Kreuzberg

Precarious Milieu

The lower class striving for orientation and participation: trying to keep up with the standard of living of the broad “middle class”, but burdened by social disadvantages and exclusions; feeling of being left behind; bitterness and resentment; self-image as a hard worker and hardy fighter.

Example: Duisberg-Hochfeld

Traditional Mainstream
Nostalgic Middle Class Milieu

The harmony-oriented middle- and working-class centre of society: desire for secure circumstances and an appropriate status; self-image as the social middle-field, but growing sense of alienation and unwillingness to compromise; perceived loss of learned rules and certainties; longing for the “good old days”.

Example: Dortmund-Dorstfeld

Traditional Milieu

The security- and order-loving older generation: entrenched in traditional petit-bourgeois and/or working-class culture; undemanding adaptation to necessities; increasing acceptance of the new sustainability norm; self-image as the upstanding and respectable “salt of the earth”.

Example: Bremen-Gröpelingen

In order to make Sinus-Milieus usable for direct marketing and spatial planning, the model was embedded in microgeographic data – originally together by microm and SINUS, today in cooperation between SINUS and Michael Bauer Micromarketing (MBM). With newly developed algorithms, the transfer of Sinus-Milieus to geographic space has now been significantly improved.

By linking the Sinus-Milieus with MBM’s microgeographic data system, target-group-focused market research and media planning can now be applied locally. Users of Sinus-Milieus thus know where the individual milieu target groups can be found and with what probability. For each house in Germany, the statistical probability of occurrence of the individual Sinus-Milieus was calculated and, in addition, a dominant Geo-Milieu was determined. This is based on microcells, each of which comprises at least five households in compliance with the DSGVO. Sinus-Milieus with microgeographic data are also available for Switzerland and internationally.

Where does which Sinus-Milieu live? Which Sinus-Milieus are overrepresented locally and which are not? This is exemplarily shown by an interactive dashboard from our partner Michael Bauer Micromarketing for the German cities of Haan, Hilden and Solingen.

Interactive Dashboard

In addition to target group localization in space, customer databases can also be enriched and qualified via geographic linkage with Sinus-Milieus. Thus, two important topics in marketing can be improved: understanding one’s own customers in terms of lifestyle and consumer behavior and addressing potential customers in a target group-specific manner throughout the entire customer journey.

The Sinus-Milieus in Microgeography have been continuously improved since 1999. The latest model update carried out by SINUS and MBM in 2020 offers significantly improved estimation algorithms compared to the previous standard – not only for the classic Sinus-Milieus, but now also for the cross-national target group model of the Sinus-Meta Milieus and for the Extended Sub-Milieus, the consumer fine segmentation based on the Sinus-Milieus.

Sinus-Milieus® in Microgeography
can be put to a variety of uses

Strategic marketing

  • Product development, design fit
  • Brand positioning, portfolio
  • CRM, distribution and sales
  • Fundraising

New customer acquisition

  • Target group analysis and localization
  • Optimization of advertising channels and customer approach
  • Address selection, mailshots, out-of-home, optimization of inserts


  • Environment-specific measures and approach
  • Cross- und up-Selling

Location / branch network planning

  • Identification of target group potentials in the catchment area
  • Category management, PoS marketing

Communication planning

  • Message and layout design
  • Milieu-specific reach/affinities

You can order the Sinus-Milieus in Microgeography for a selected county or municipality right here:

For larger data sets, we will be happy to provide you with an individual offer.

We recommend obtaining one of our information packages to optimize your work with the Sinus-Milieus.

Your contacts
at our partner companies

Your contact at Michael Bauer Micromarketing GmbH:
Sabine Ahlemeier, Managing Director
Telephone: +49 160 92090941

Claudia Rasche, Sales Director
Telephone: + 49 151 51675246

Your contact in Switzerland:
Guiseppe Altieri, Key Account Manager
KünzlerBachmann Direct Marketing AG
Telephone: +41 71 3140421


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