Susanne Ernst

Susanne Ernst
Field Management & Organization

Every company needs a heart and soul. At our company, that's Susanne Ernst. She wears numerous hats, so to speak: assistant to the management, field management, office management and contact for press inquiries. She is also our party planner.

Susanne Ernst has been working in the field department at SINUS since the end of 1999 and took over its management in 2004. Her field of work includes the organization, supervision and calculation of qualitative studies, the management and acquisition of field staff, quality and quota controls of interviews, and, last but not least the training of our interviewers and the training of cooperating test studios. In 2010, she also took over the management assistance role and coordination of conferences and events.

Susanne Ernst has a commercial background and draws on more than 30 years of work experience. For more than ten years, she organized and supervised seminars and conferences as an employee of two seminar organizers. Before joining SINUS, she was instrumental in building up a company in this industry.

A look at her hobbies reveals where Susanne gets her balance, good mood and unflappability from: She practices Qi Gong, spends a lot of time in nature, likes to paint and read, and sings in a choir, for which she also acts as a representative. And sometimes she just does nothing at all and enjoys that very much.

Susanne Ernst – Field Management & Organization

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